Chapter 26 SABRINA'S POV All strength lynched from my muscles and bones. I collapsed on my bed, and I could feel my body trembling.
After a whole day of slaving away at his Majesty's private wing, I was finally done with all my duties. He has rejected Caldan's pleas to returnto the harem, and I felt the dread.
Just one day. It's only been one day and I feel half dead. What am I going to do? I'm sure I have a lot of days working for him lined up in front of me. Perhaps if I avoid him as I had done today, all would be fine.
Oh, and Caldan.
I grabbed my pillow and hugged it to my chest, a smile lighting up my lips. He had been withtoday, after my duties were completed and I was on the verge of tears. We went for a walk, and for a moment was like everything was back to normal. Or at least as normal as it should be.
Perhaps my days here won't be all bad. Perhaps after everything I'll be able to smile again. Thanks to Caldan.
The next moming, I stared at the scroll in my hands. More work to do. Today had an extra task than yesterday's. Lady Nifra stared at me, her icy eyes challengedas if daring to see what I would do, or what I would say.
I had nothing to say to her, honestly. I had learned from all my days here that talking will getnowhere. Instead of wasting my breath arguing and crying, I should put my energy irito doing sof my work.
And also, if I finish on tI could have more tto hang out with Caldan. His trip isn't anytsoon, and I'm really grateful that he's going to be around.
1 finished my duties on time. I hadn't seen the king all day, and was beyond happy because of that. I can't handle another/ face to face encounter with him. The man is so terrifying.
During the evenings, I would take a walk with Caldan and we'd have dinner together. We'd talk about our day, and what happened. Caldan would always ask if I was having much trouble and to which I would always say: "no, I'm fine. I don't even feel it.
I lied. I do feel it. But Caldan is doing so much for me, and the last thing on my mind is to burden him with more worries.
Three days went by in this manner. I'd do my duties, sometimes bumping into the King, sometimes not. And thankfully we didn't have to speak. I'd greet him and he'd promptly ignoreand I'd go about my day. Once I finished, id spend stwith Caldan. Sometimes I'd be too tired and just go back to my room in the harem. It was good. It really was. I was starting to adapt to this hellish place, Or so I thought.
One evening as I was scrubbing the hallways, Blair cin.
Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt"Your she gasped, kicking over the bucket of water I was using the clean. The murky water splashed over and spilled all over the fours I had managed to get done.
I looked up and mei her eyes. "You little bitch. I hissed under my breath, angry that my work had gone to waste. I threw the scrubbing brush that I was using at her. "You fucking bitch! Do you have any idea how long it took to get this place clean? She dodged the brush, but it missed her face by a hairline. “Like fucking care about your worries! What are you doing in 1/4 Chapter 25 Oh.
I'm dead. For real this time. I'm dead.
SEND GIFT 22:05 Tue, Nov 5 G 972%.
Chapter 26 SABRINA'S POV All strength lynched from my muscles and bones. I collapsed on my bed, and I could feel my body trembling. After a whole day of slaving away at his Majesty's private wing. I was finally done with all my duties. He has rejected Caldan's pleas to returnto the harem, and I felt the dread.
Just one day, It's only been one day and I feel half dead. What am I going to do? I'm sure I have a lot of days working for him lined up in front of me. Perhaps if I avoid him as I had done today, all would be fine.
Oh, and Caldan.
I grabbed my pillow and hugged it to my chest, a smile lighting up my lips. He had been withtoday, after my duties were completed and I was on the verge of tears. We went for a walk, and for a moment was like everything was back to normal. Or at least as normal as it should be.
Perhaps my days here won't be all bad. Perhaps after everything I'll be able to smile again. Thanks to Caldan.
The next morning. I stared at the scroll in my hands. More work to do. Today had an extra task than yesterday's. Lady Nifra stared at me, her icy eyes challengedas if daring to see what I would do, or what I would say.
I had nothing to say to her, honestly. I had learned from all my days here that talking will getnowhere. Instead of wasting my breath arguing and crying, I should put my energy into doing sof my work.
And also, if I finish on tI could have more thne to hang out with Caldan. His trip isn't anytsoon, and I'm really grateful that he's going to be around.
I finished my duties on time. I hadn't seen the king all day, and was beyond happy because of that. I can't handle another face to face encounter with him. The man is so terrifying.
During the evenings, I would take a walk with Caldan and we'd have dinner together. We'd talk about our day, and what happened. Caldan would always ask if I was having much trouble and to which I would always say: "no, I'm fine. I don't even feel it' I lied. I do feel it. But Caldan is doing so much for me, and the last thing on my mind is to burden him with more worries. Three days went by in this manner. I'd do my duties, sometimes bumping into the King, sometimes not. And thankfully we didn't have to speak. I'd greet him and he'd promptly ignoreand I'd go about my day. Once I finished, id spend stwith Caldan. Sometimes I'd be too tired and just go back to my room in the harem.
It was good. It really was. I was starting to adapt to this hellish place.
Or so I thought.
One evening as I was scrubbing the hallways, Blair cin.
"Your" she gasped, kicking over the bucket of water I was using the clean. The murky water splashed over and spilled all over the floor. I had managed to get done.
I looked up and met her eyes. "You little bitch. I hissed under my breath, angry that my work had gone to waste. I threw the scrubbing brush that I was using at her. "You fucking bitch! Do you have any idea how long it took to get this place clean?!" She dodged the brush, but it missed her lace by a hairline. “Like fucking care about your worries) What are you doing in 7231 22:05 Tue, Nov 5 GA Chapter 26 his Majesty's wing?!" I took a step back and stared at her. A scoff left my lips as I looked at her. "Wow, is it one of those days for a dick appointment?" I asked, my eyes scanning her from top to bottom. She was wearing a sheer dress, and I noticed how her face. was made up too.
She's doing too much.
She turned red and huffed at me. "Answer my damn question." "If you want to know so badly, then I shall indulge you." I said, smug smile appearing on my face. "I work for the king now, as his personal maid." Blair's eyes widened. "What?!" She gasped, taking a shocked step back. "You?! You're lying!" "Am I?" I looked around us, taking my tto survey the expanse of the grand hall before I snapped my gaze back to her. "Or am I She huffed, anger plain on her face for the world to see. Ah, this strikes such a sensitive nerve inside her. I should do this more often, it's so much fun to do! "How did that happen?" She stormed up toand asked. I'm pretty sure you think now you're here that Majesty: Right?!" Hell no.
you can seduce his.
"Maybe." I said with a grin. I bathed my lashes at her and dropped the tone of my voice. "Now that I have unrestricted access to him, yeah. It doesn't sound so bad." Inside I was reeling and dry heaving. Me, seduce the king? Heavens no. He's so not my type. But anything to get a rise out of Blair. Anything to watch her turn red with fury, her hands clench into fists so tight that blood drips from her clenched palms.
Anything for that look on her face right now.
"Watch yourself." She spat, vitriol in her tone. "Don't get cocky just because you're a slave to the king. It's only a matter of tbefore he wipes your memories and puts you in your place Again with this memories wiping. I made a mental note to ask Caldan about it. Blair seems to know something that I don't, something the rest of us don't know. Advantages of being his funk toy maybe.
"He won't erase my memories. I said to taunt her further. "Why would he?" Blair fumed even more. "So that's your plan huh? You work your way into his heart so he'll let you keep your memories of What the fuck is she even blabbing about right now? "Yes" I laughed and clapped in mock excitement. "Oh my goodness Blair, you're so smart! I'm sure they had only the best governesses your pack could offer for your education! I'm so da jealous of you right now, if only I could be like you." She scoffed and laughed bitterly. "I see you still haven't learned your lesson huh?" My smile vanished.
She nodded to herself. "Ah, I see. Last twasn't good enough for you was it? She asked, her head cocked to the side. "I think I made a connection dus taround." 2/4 22:05 Tue, Nov 5 G Chapter 26 "What are you on about?" I asked, my tone dark.
☐KS72% "You're a masochist!" She snapped her fingers like she had made the discovery of the millennia. "You like pain! The last twasn't enough for you, with the smoke and the fire." "You're insane." She continued as if I hadn't spoken. "And then you had to steal my most prized necklace! And now, you're stepping on my toes again! Wow, don't you eve value your life?! Is that how fucked. up you are in the head, addicted to pain so you go ahead causing trouble for yourself?" "You're the one who's fucked up in the head. I didn't steal your damned necklace! You framedfor it!" "Did I?" She blinked Innocently at me. "Or did you do it because you loved the pain from punishment?" I inhaled deeply, telling myself that it wouldn't help my standing if I bashed her head into the ground till it was nothing but a mess of brain and skull fragments.
Calm down Sabrina. Don't let her get to you.
Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm"Here's a word of advice. She said, a slow smile on her face. "Stay away for his majesty of you love that head of yours. Know you place, and stay in it." "Oh I'm going to love making you pay," I said with a giggle.
She smirked. "So will I." She turned and walked way, her heels clicking on the ground as she left.
I turned back, surveying the mess she had made. It was going to be a pain cleaning all of this up for the second time.
"Where are you going?" I screamed as a deep voice vibrated behind me. I turned around sharply to see the king glowering down at me.
Your majesty, 1 bowed, my heart racing out of control in seconds.
"I asked you a question. He spat.
Oh shit! He's pissed! What did I do this time? I raised my head and met his eyes. "I'm returning to my room, your majesty." He raised a dark brow. "Your room? Or are you going to meet Caldan?" My heart skipped a beat. “Yes. I'm going to meet him and then return to my room.
And you have been doing this everyday?" I nodded, unsure of what he was reaching al "You abandon your duties to hang out with Caldan and you stand there and nod your head at me!!"
I flinched. He hadn't shouted or raised his voice, but it still sounded harsh. Everything about him sounded and felt harsh 1 don't abandon my duties. I said quietly.
"Speak up. I can't hear you over your own heartbeat.
22:05 Tue, Nov 5 GAD.
Chapter 26 He can hear my heart!! My hand went to my chest immediately as if doing so would make it slow down.
9K 72%
"I don't abandon my duties. I kaid firmly, meeting his eyes as I spoke. "I make sure I finish my duties before I leave, Once I'm done, I can do any thing want. If that means hanging out with Caldan or going right to bed, fine." His eyes narrowed at me, their color intensifying, Shirt Shit! Sabrina you and your mouth! Why did you say all of that?! "You can't do anything you want? Is that what you have deluded yourself to thinking?" He asked.
"L."" "Redo every task on your list today, starting for the first one." I gasped, my eyes wide with horror. "Your majesty...
"There times," He commanded. "Each of them must be done three times! over. That is your punishment for speaking toin such a manner. He should take my heart out right now. "Everything..