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Revenge After Divorce by Black Rose

Chapter 28
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NICK "Welcto the corporate business annual gala, my names Tom, and I will be your host this evening. Without wasting anymore of your time. I would like to call to the stage to open for us. New Village's favourite billionaire. He needs no introduction as many of you already know him sof you have had the pleasure of doing business with him and sknow him through his good deeds around the city. Ladies and gentlemen. Let us put our hands together and welcto the stage, Nick Jones of Jones Enterprises." The room erupted in applause; I was annoyed in a second, I didn't need to be there, but I didn't attend the past two years and Sandra insisted we cto this one. I should have been at the office facilitating the search for my son.

As I sat there watching people coming into the gala, my mind was on my parents, wondering how their talk went with Olivia. Also, I was curious to learn about what they knew about her that I didn't. I took my tgetting up on that stage after Tom called me.

Just as I was about to open my mouth and speak. The door was banged loudly makinglook to see who that was. Everyone in the room seemed to be curious as well. What I didn't expect was the see my wife standing there looking like an angel.

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No, she looked like royalty, her dress, how it fitted her, she looked like a model in a magazine. Someone ordinary people could just look at and admire from those pages. She was like a dream, and I found my mouth getting dry.

I watched as Ethan offered her his arm and she took it. My anger rose from the pit of my stomach, it was caused by jealousy, I wanted to be the one who's arm she took. The one leading her to the table and the one looking into those beautiful eyes of hers.

I hated that everyone was looking at her, had their eyes on her undressing her and sadmiring her. I cleared my throat loudly into the mic reminding them that I was still there and that was my wife they were staring at.

They turned their attention back to me, but others still took another look at her. Which pissedoff to no end." Good evening, I will not take much of everyone's time. I only cup here to declare the gala open and so it is." I then stepped down leaving everyone still looking at me. "Thank you, Mr Jones. Our next speaker is..." I zoned the MC out. Went back to my seat then glanced at where Olivia and Ethan were sitting. He was whispering something to her ear, and she had a small smile playing at her lips.

I bailed my hands in fists getting angrier. "Hey Nick, we don't have to stay, we can leave." Oh no, I was not going anywhere now. I was staying right where I was. "We are not leaving." I told Sandra with my eyes still on Olivia.

She must have sensed someone looking, well, staring at her because she scanned the room and our eyes locked. She only looked atfor a second before averting her gaze. Which madewant to get up from my seat and go there.

"Nick?" I didn't know when I stood up, I was not only thinking about going there, my body was already doing what my brain was thinking. I was on my feet ready to go there when Sandra called my name. "Get up, let's go." "Where are we going?" she asked standing up. I didn't answer but led the way to the table my wife and friend were sitting at. Ethan sawand shook his head in disapproval. I didn't care whether he approved of my actions or not.

That was my wife he decided to parade around in front of so many people. What did he think they would say aboutwhen he was busy whispering sweet nothings to her ears withthere! "Go and seat on that table. I want to sit here." 1/2 +25 BONUS Chapter 0028 I told sguy and his date. Olivia didn't even look atand I hated that. Why was she avoidinglike I was not even in the room? "What are you doing Nick?" asked Ethan I took a seat; I averted my gaze from Olivia briefly and glanced at Ethan.

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"Joining my best friend and my wife at the table. Something wrong with that?” Ethan just shook his head looking atas if he felt sorry for me. I chuckled shaking my head, he was the one who was going to be sorry soon if he didn't stop what he was doing. Olivia was still my wife, and he had no right to bring her there.

"You look good, Olivia. Prison agreed with you." I glared at Sandra when she said that, it was not the tfor her to be saying things like that. "Am sorry, I was just complementing her. She looks really beautiful for someone who just got out of jail." She spoke loud enough for the people in the next table to look over. "Sandra, go find Given outside to take you home. I think you have had enough for the night." She wanted to say something, but I shook my head slightly and she shut her mouth.

She got up and took her bag before leaving the table. "Are you not going after your date Nick? That is not so gentlemanly of you. A man doesn't let his date go halone. You are losing your touch my friend."

I didn't know what Ethan was playing at, but I didn't like it. Olivia didn't look atonce, since I got there. She was avoidingaltogether, yet. We were sitting at the stable. "Excusemiss. My nis Brandon Ryan, could I please have this dance?"

Where did that fucker cfrom and how dare he? Just as I was about to m speak Olivia beattoit, Olivia Williams landetWilliams, and it will be my pleasure." She took his hand, and I watched as they went to the dance floor hand in hand. "This boy is testing my patience, who the hell does he think he is to ask my wife to dance in front of me? and since when does Olivia use her maiden name? she is still a Jones, we are still married for God's sake!"

Ethan chuckled. "He is Brandon Ryan, sole heir to the Ryan properties empire and our equal in the business world. But you already knew that. You are just pissed that someone like Brandon sees beauty and value in the woman you threw away. Go ahead and divorce her my friend. See if she will lack anything after with men like Brandon eying her." Chapter 0029 +25 BONUS Chapter 0029