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Alpha's Regret After Her Rebirth by Aurora Starling

Chapter 3
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Author: Last Updated:2024-03-09 14:08:40 In my first life, Zoe's appearance at the Acceptance Ceremony caughtcompletely off-guard. The media had a field day over the reunion of the so-called "star-crossed lovers", leavingfloundering like a fish out of water. All I could do was force a smile and evade everyone's questions, which only led to the media brandingas "petty" and "jealous".

I would not let that happen again. This time, I knew she was coming. I would be prepared.

If I was going to do that, I was going to need shelp. That meant confronting the one person besides Noah who would possibly know about Zoe's upcoming arrival.

I snuck out into the living room, checking various rooms along the way, and found the entire house to be empty. Good. Noah followed his usual routine of leaving the house after our intimacy-or that night, the lack thereof- was over.

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I grabbed my phone and scrolled through my contacts until I found the number for Noah's half-brother and Beta, Scott.

Scott only lived about a ten minutes' drive away from our house, but the wait felt like an eternity. At last, the doorbell rang, and I answered it to find Scott standing on the other side.

"Cin," I offered, hoping to usher him past the niceties.

Scott inclined his head, then walked beyondand into the living room.

"Please, have a seat." "I'd rather stand," he said.

"Well, out with it," I said as I stood in front of him, hands on my hips.

Scott raised a brow at me. He wasn't accustomed tobeing so forward and aggressive, but I was done playing games. That was part of what costmy life the first time.

"You askedif I knew about Zoe's return," he began. He scratched the back of his neck, his eyes not meeting mine. "Well, I do." I opened my mouth to scold him, but apparently, his admission was not over yet.

"I told Noah that he should inform you," he continued. "I said that it could cause a rift between the two of you if he kept such a secret, but Noah commanded me, as Alpha, to keep it a secret." My left hand curled into a fist. My wedding ring sparkled in the fluorescent lighting, taunting me. Of course, Noah had told him to keep the truth from me.

I glanced up to see Scott staring intensely at me. As soon as he sawlooking at him, he averted his gaze. Turning my head to where he had been staring, I saw that the strap of my nightgown had slipped, exposing a peek at the top of my breast.

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I quickly placed the strap back on my shoulder. I could not help the light blush that heated up my cheeks. However, I forced myself to focus on the task at hand.

"How long have you known?" I asked.

"Since her application cin," he admitted.

"Why did Noah not want to tell me?" "I honestly don't know." My gaze ran over Scott, trying to find any sign of dishonesty in him.

"It's obvious to me," I said, "that Noah is straying fromas his Luna." "I don't know about that—" I put my hand up to silence him. I drew closer to him, looking him straight in the eye.

"I need to know, if you had to choose one, Luna or Alpha, which would you choose?" "Of course, you, Luna," Scott asserted without a moment's thought. “You haven't done anything wrong.” I smiled, inwardly rejoicing at having won Scott's loyalty.

"Thank you. I am glad to have you on my side. I might just need your help.” "Anything." "I will need PR guidance for the live broadcast of tomorrow's Acceptance Ceremony." A grin broke out across Scott's face.

"I might have sideas for that." The next day, Noah and I stood before a crowd of hundreds as we accepted new members into Nightcrest Pack. We stood side-by-side, arms linked, but it was mostly for the TV cameras. I could feel Noah's arm muscles tense as he tried to stand as far fromas was socially acceptable (unfortunately for him, that wasn't very far).